Monday, July 5, 2010

An Anniversary Surprise!!

A few months back, I was contacted about doing photographs of 3 sisters as a surprise for their parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary! OK, that's not so unusual BUT I know their parents and knew that I'd run into them and I couldn't blow the surprise.

So we scheduled the photo shoot between the time that Michelle moved back into the USA, after working out of the country; and Brittney left for studying abroad in Italy for 6 weeks. Luckily, Angela lives nearby and did a great job of ordering great portraits with the help of her husband.

Today, their mom, Kathie stopped in to thank us for doing such a beautiful portrait of her girls! It was such a surprise and made her cry! A priceless gift and will be cherished forever!

Happy 25th Anniversary, Kathie and Phil DeRuiter!
