My name is Ashley Kuntz
I go to River Valley
My favorite websites are: google [you can find anything on there] and myspace
My favorite Magazines are: ones with fashion
My First Crush?: not positive but in the first grade i liked a kid named Brandon Long. haha
Current Favorite song: One one in color - trapt
The last meal I made from scratch: Chicken Alfredo
Biggest Accomplishment so far in high school: recieving a 3.5 to 3.7 while in sports
My Dream Job: Photography or singer or high school counselor :)
I couldn't speak when I met: when do i stop talking? honestly. lol
Favorite things in my closet: sweat pants and hoody :) comfort is definatly best
2 important things to have in a friendship: comedy and trust
In 10 years I see myself: helping kids. counseling and marrietd :)
I love Harrington's because: they're the bomb digity.

3 events I'm really looking forward to my senior year: prom, soccer, GRADUATION.
My most embarrasing moment: went to kick someone in the foot, slipped, they fell, i fell too
#1 lesson I'll take with me from High School: always study , there's never

Why is Senior year such a big deal: last year of irresponsibility
Ashley Kuntz is the BOMB DIGGITY for sure!