My name is: Kaitlyn Elizabeth Troncho I go to school at: Granger Christian School My favorite websites are: Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, Post Secret, etc.
The magazines I always have to stop and look at in the grocery store are: Cosmo, People, US Weekly, Otaku, Anime/Gamer
My first crush was on: Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid ((I was 2 and I had to have him with me everywhere -- I had a book that had to be open to his page in the car, bed, anywhere!))
My current favorite song: Got Money by Lil' Wayne
The last meal I made was: Omelettes for mom and me
My biggest accomplishment in high school so far: Making it to my second semester Senior year! :)
My dream job: Japanese teacher in a high school
I couldn't speak when I met: The bassist and drummer or my favorite band ((Dir En Grey)) after the concert
One unusual talent I have is: Hmmm... it's a tie between making a clover leaf with my tongue or that my laugh morphs into a witch cackle
My favorite things in my closet are: The jacket my aunt bought me, my concert T-shirts, and my formal dress
2 most important things to have in a great friendship are: Laughs and Love
In 10 years I see myself: Either teaching Japanese in high school or traveling
I love Harrington because: Kevin and Marsha are amazing people! Marsha treats me to yummy treats and makes sure I always look my best. Kevin makes me laugh like crazy and he makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. ((Thank you both!))
For senior year, I was most nervous about: Bringing my grades up, and the whole college thing
My most embarrassing moment is: I have no idea...I get a lot of those! :)
My number one lesson from high school I will take to college: Anything is possible! ((and friends are the best thing to happen to you))
Senior year is such a big deal because: It's the beginning of a new era!
Thank You sooooo much!! <3