Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Snow Shoot

What a difference a few days makes! When we shot these last week it was 2 lonely degrees. Today it's like 60 and all the snow is gone. I'd like to thank Katy Stuppy, Katie Ernzen, and Sarah Shelton for coming in for a snow shoot last week. They were such great sports in the bitter cold. They have some beautiful images for their efforts. Once we get them all processed I'll put a show together and put it on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin & Staff: Once again, you have outdone yourselves! Harrington Rocks! The pictures from the "Snow Shoot" are great! You know I have to have some of these!!! Katie, Katy, and Sarah you are all beautiful and I hope you all remain friends forever!
    Sarah, good luck in Arizona and most of all, have fun!
    Mrs. E (AKA, Katie's mom!)

    (P.S. the hot chocolate and cookies hit the spot that day, thanks!)
